Sunday, December 21, 2008


Well winter has decided to come in full force. It is -2 and with the windchill factor it is -30. I hope this is not a sign as to what we are in store for this winter. Yikes!!
Our electricity has went off about 3 times today. Luckily it was only for a few seconds.
I stayed home from church to get things ready for today. We had over Vic and her son Kory(our godson.) for our Christmas. Since the weather was so yucky Jerry, Carmen and tenley went and picked up vic and kory so she wouldn't have to drive in this weather.
I had a beautiful hot lunch waiting for everyone when they returned from Church. We had so much fun. Kory will be 3 in April. But boy can this boy talk. One thing that we thought was really cute was when ever he would talk about himself it is always Kory said, Kory wants, Kory doesn't want to do that. He loved the toy monster truck we got him. Jerry and Kory played for a long time on basement steps, setting up ramps and launching the truck from the top of the stairs.
Vic is starting college classes at Ivy tech in Elkhart January 12, 2009 for nursing. We are so proud of her.
I am sorry I don't have any pictures tonight. But I will have lots to post the day after Christmas.

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